

外围投注 welcomes and encourages all students to contact the 记录办公室 prior to taking courses at other institutions in order to ensure that the credit will be accepted. 联络我们: transfer@169577.com 或在 707-965-6676.

潜在的转学生可以联系 招生办公室 开始转移过程.

A. 从地区认可的u学分.S. 学院或大学


Any course completed with a grade of C- or higher is transferrable according to the following guidelines:

  • Transfer credit is granted for courses designated by the originating institutions as transferable. 例外: 技术/职业课程, 军事职业和课程, and non-military training programs have limited transferability regardless of the designation by the originating institution (see next bullet). Work experience credit and 补救 credit are not transferrable regardless of the designation by the originating institution (see 不可转让的信用证 below).
  • 技术/职业课程可获得有限的转学分, 军事职业和课程, and non-military training programs that are not applicable to the major or general education requirements for programs currently offered at 外围投注. 这些类型的课程最多可获得16个季度的总学分.
  • Limited transfer credit is granted for courses designated by the originating institution as applying only to associate degrees and thus normally non-transferrable to 4-year colleges. These courses are accepted only if equivalent courses are currently offered at 外围投注. The number of credit hours given per course will not exceed the number of credit hours of the 外围投注 course.
  • 外围投注 normally accepts a maximum of 18 semester hours per semester or 18 quarter hours per quarter for all transfer credit. 任何对本政策的例外情况必须得到注册主任和有关部门的批准.
  • 外围投注实行季度制. When converting semester credit to quarter credit, the following ratio is used: 1 semester hour = 1.5刻钟.

Course equivalencies for the transferred courses will be established according to the following guidelines:

  • The major department determines course equivalencies in the major through review of course titles, 描述, 和/或教学大纲.
  • 注册主任评估所有其他课程,以确定课程的等效性. 如果标题和/或课程描述与外围投注提供的课程相似, 传输类被视为等效的. The registrar consults with the Academic Standards and General 教育 Committee to determine General 教育 equivalencies.
  • 外围投注 has articulation agreements with institutions such as Mendocino College, 纳帕谷学院, 萨克拉门托城市学院, 和圣罗莎初级学院,概述了这些机构的课程等效性.
  • Credit for 军事职业和课程 and non-military training programs is awarded according to recommendations in the following publications: Guide to the Evaluation of 教育al Experiences in the Armed Services published by the American Council on 教育, The National Guide to 教育al Credit for Training 项目 published by the American Council on 教育, 和大学学分推荐, The 目录 of The National Program on Noncollegiate Sponsored Instruction published by the Board of Regents, 纽约大学.
  • Upper-division credit is not allowed for junior college courses or for courses numbered as lower-division credit at another senior college or university. 
  • If a lower division course has the same content as an upper division course at 外围投注, 学分被计算为低等级, 但要看主要部门的决定, 本课程可满足本专业高年级的要求. 而院系可能会改变该学生的专业高年级学时, 学生必须修满60学时才能获得学位.
  • 评估课程等效性时, 学院保留要求学生重修过时课程的权利.
  • The College 英语 sequence (ENGL 101-102) can only be fulfilled by equivalent 英语 courses taken at institutions where all instruction is in 英语. 


The Intersegmental General 教育 Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) is a series of courses offered in the California community colleges for students who plan to transfer to baccalaureate-level institutions. PUC accepts the completed IGETC certificate as meeting a significant portion of the baccalaureate GE package. 


  • CSU选项(55.5刻钟)满足区域1的所有要求, 3, IV, 和V(51-56刻钟)在PUC GE封装.
  • UC选项(51个小时)满足区域I的所有要求.A, I.PUC GE封装中的C、3、IV、V(48 ~ 53刻钟). 学生仍然需要满足第一项要求.B:口语交流(3刻钟). 

Students who take the IGETC will still need to meet the following requirements for the PUC GE package:

  • II:宗教(6-15刻钟)
  • 第六:健康 & 健身(3-6小时)
  • 七:实践与应用艺术(4个半小时)
  • 八:外语(12-24学时)-仅限文学学士学生

Completion of the IGETC must be certified by a community college counselor and submitted to 外围投注 with the student's final transcript prior to the first term of enrollment.



  • 完成成绩为D+或更低.
  • Equivalent to a 补救 course at 外围投注 or is designated by the originating institution as developmental, 补救, 不得转让, 或者不是为了获得副学士学位学分. 如果这样的课程符合外围投注的要求,e.g. Intermediate Algebra, the requirement is considered met, but no credit is given for the transfer.
  • 指定为工作经验课程.

B. 美国以外认可的学院和大学的学分.S.

外国成绩单根据A部分的政策进行评估. 取决于原籍国和机构, 外围投注 may request that the student submit an evaluation from one of the following organizations:

为了使评估被认为是正式的, it must be submitted directly to the 外围投注 记录办公室 from the evaluating organization.

C. 无地区认证机构的信用 

The student may request a transcript evaluation after completing 16 quarter hours in residence at 外围投注 with at least a 2.平均成绩0分. 此时此刻, the transcript from the unaccredited institution will be analyzed on a course-by-course basis with consideration to the guidelines presented in section A. Credit may be granted for those courses that appropriately apply to the program at 外围投注, but in most instances the student will be asked to validate courses taken at an unaccredited institution by passing challenge examinations before the credit will be granted.